Health and Safety Training

Our Health and Safety Courses

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, everyone has a part to play in health and safety at work to encourage high standards and prevent anyone from coming to harm while in their working environment.

Good health and safety practices ensure a more efficient and productive workplace and reduced down-time. As such, various parties have differing responsibilities in order to keep everyone safe.

We currently only deliver courses regulated by qualsafe but by the end of 2023 we intent to be able to deliver further courses accredited by NUCO, IOSH and IIRSM.

Health and Safety Training - Qualsafe courses

We're currently accredited with Qualsafe to deliver the following courses:

QA Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) - 4 hours

This regulated and nationally recognised qualification provides learners with a basic introduction to health and safety in the workplace, including the role that everyone plays in maintaining a safe working environment.

During this half day course, learners will develop a basic knowledge of health and safety issues such as: hazards and risks in the workplace, workplace conditions that can affect health and safety, and the requirements for workplace procedures.

QA Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) - 1 day

During this 1 day qualification, learners will develop an understanding of health and safety issues, including: health and safety laws, risk assessments and risk control hierarchy, identifying and controlling risks from common workplace hazards and more.

QA Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF) - 1 day

During this 1 day qualification, learners will gain a basic introduction into the principles of risk assessment. Topics covered include: main causes of work-related fatalities, basic processes for undertaking a risk assessment, key terms associated with risk assessments, methods that can be used to prioritise risks and more.

This course is not for staff who have a specific role for writing Risk assessments, for staff who have this responsibility there is the QA Level 3 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment (RQF) - 2 day.

QA Level 2 Award in Working at Height (RQF) - 3hrs

The Qualsafe Level 2 Award in Working at Height (RQF) is ideal for those who work in environments that involve safe working at height, such as building and construction workers, agricultural workers, factory and warehouse workers, forestry workers and more.

During this 3 hour qualification, learners will develop a basic awareness of working at height, focusing on key principles such as: safety considerations, legal obligations, hierarchy of control measures, reporting procedures for defective equipment and much more.

We're looking at adding the following qualsafe qualifications in the near future.

QA Level 2 Award in Principles of COSHH (RQF) - 4 hours
QA Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in Health and Social Care (RQF) - 1 day
QA Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) - 3 days
QA Level 3 Award in Risk Assessment (RQF) - 2 days

If you have any question about these then please contact us using the details below.

Health and Safety Training - IOSH courses

We're currently in the process of being accredited with the Institute of Occupational Health and Safety to deliver their nationally recognised courses. We hope to have these courses up and running by the end of 2023. We're hoping to be able to run the following courses:

  • Working Safely 
  • Managing Safely® 
  • Managing Safely® Refresher
  • Managing Sustainably
  • Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing
  • Safety, Health and Environment for Construction Site Managers
  • Fire Safety for Managers??
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Risk Essentials

If you have any question about these then please contact us using the details below.

Do you already run HEAT/SAFE courses and need consultants?

We're more than happy to share needs with our consultants. Working with multiple companies means continuos learning and this is mutually beneficial to everyone. 

Blog posts

What is Hostile Environment Training?

Hostile Environment Training, what is it and who needs it? We consider HEAT, HEFAT and SAFE training. We can work with company's to deliver bespoke courses in the UK and abroad.

Read more


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